Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mobile Money Services in Nokia Mobile Phone : Advantages of Mobile money in Nokia

The Nokia mobiles launched the facility of the Mobile Money in Nokia Mobile handsets. Through the Mobile Money one can transfer funds, pay any bills, and buy goods and services etc. The Mobile money is a smart and cost effective way to manage the finances. The Mobile money is vary popular among all the users due to its facility and benefits like--

  • It has no annual fees to paid.
  • Mobile money no need any bank account, credit card or any debit card.
  • It has no any cash loading charges.
  • Like Bank Account, Mobile Money has no need any minimum balance.
These are some reasons for which the Mobile money is very popular among all the people. Through the mobile money one can avail the various following facilities like--

- One can transfer money to anyone through Mobile money very conveniently and in a cost-effective way.

- One can pay the utility bills through mobile money and can set reminder for any due date,payment date etc.

- One can recharge the prepaid account when needed for fund which take only a few minutes.

- It is best to make cashless payment through the mobile.

- The mobile money saves time because its no need to go to the bank for transfer of funds etc.

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